Sunday, December 31, 2017

To a better life in 2018

Here it is December 31 2017 like many others I am thinking back over the last 364 days wondering what all I have accomplished. The sad part is I don't really feel like I have been very effective. I am sure I am not alone in this I had big plans at the end of 2016 for the future. However, not many if any of those worked out. To be honest I have been a little lost this past year. All my planning fell apart and I realize this morning why. They were not in line with what God really wanted for me or my family. Can I get an amen I know I am not the only one who struggles with trying to understand God's will for my life. It's one of the reasons I am writing today I find enjoyment in this and it gives me time to be with God's word and allows me to think it through. So this morning when I am loooking at the end of 2017 and thinking about the opportunities coming in 2018 I decided to go back to the beginning.

Genesis 1:1-2 states that, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. Now the Earth was formless and empty, darkness covered the surface of the watery depths, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface off the waters,"

Do you know that scientist who study were life came from often believe something similar to this minus God? In the great vastness of space a reaction of chemicals caused the beginning of all things, random chance is why we are here today. They can't tell you where those first chemicals came from but that's ok it's a theory. For me it's much more plausible that there is a creator. Just from simple logic the argument is made something as complex as life which is beyond our ability to recreate in a lab; even a single living cell, tells me that there has to be a creator. While that is not popular it's a conclusion one can reach logically. So how does that impact our lives?

The impact is felt when we realize there is a purpose for each and everyone of us. The unexpected child that has been conceived, the child born with disabilities, the healthy child whose parents really did not want one. The adult who has physical or mental issues from being neglected throughout their lives. That senior adult living alone abandoned by the children and family that they cared for and raised because it's to much of a burden for them to come by and check on them. The homeless individuals living on the street that no one takes time to help. Each and everyone of us has a purpose.

Our purpose is simple it's to worship our creator. You see Adam and Eve lived in fellowship with God the walked with Him in the garden sharing life with Him until they chose to live for themselves. They placed a desire to have more than what God had given them and it cost them everything. That has not changed we often live our lives placing what we want before what God has planned for us. God's design requires one thing to make it work, "freedom" the opportunity to decide if you will worship Him or if you will worship yourself. In our culture today the later is more popular than ever. Humility is no longer a virtue. We post and share everything good or bad in an attempt to get people to follow us and like us often not even liking ourselves enough to respect the gift of life that we have received. I ask you today who's plan is more important yours, your neighbor's or God's it is really that simple. It's a choice you must make and it has eternal consequences for your future and those around you. Choose wisely be blessed and don't wait to make the choice start 2018 living the life God has planned for you. I can promise you it is better than you can ever imagine.