Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Faithfullness is Needed

Proverbs 20:6, “6 Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find?”

I was staring a little late today and as I was asking the lord what to share. I started in my normal routine and read the above verse and thought of a conversation I had yesterday. It was about the state of our churches and what I see as one of the main problems there in. We say we love the Lord but in many cases we do not love him anywhere near as much as we love college football or a particular restaurant. I am just speaking the truth. I know people who donate tons of money to our colleges and don’t pay a single tithe in church. They funny part of that to me is they have no real ties to the college they do it so they can go watch a football game eight Saturdays a year.  I know I just hit on a sacred cow and most of you are mad but get over it. If we had as much passion about serving Jesus; you know the one who died for each of us so that we would one day not have to suffer an eternal life in Hell. I have been asked how people deal with life when they don’t have Jesus. The real question for me right now is, is He like the Spare tire for your car do you just get Him out when you need him when trouble comes to you rush to him knowing He is the only answer or do you. Spend time with him making sure that when you do need Him you know you can trust Him. That is where we are mistaken Have you ever gotten a flat tire reached for the spare and found it to be flat also. People wonder why it feels like God is not in their lives when they have trouble it’s because as much as they want to talk about Him they really don’t know Him. So one day when each of us stands before God it won’t be a surprise when he tells you Depart from me I know you not. Faithfulness to Jesus is required if you have agreed to perform some ministry to the church and God’s kingdom than you need to stop only doing it when you want to and start being faithful to your calling. What if Jesus had said I have a headache I really am not going to the cross today.

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You may not agree with me that is alright Jesus still loves you!