Saturday, July 16, 2011

Are We There Yet

1 Corinthian 12:4-7, “4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. 7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.”

            I believe it is time for us to discuss where the power for ministry really comes from. As we go about our daily lives we take in food and water to maintain our body’s ability to produce energy which we in turn use to complete our daily tasks. When we fail to take in nourishment our bodies do something that I find unique they begin to adjust to the lack of supply and our metabolism slows down. Unless you do certain things, slowly your body can adjust to the decrease without any real changes to your wellbeing as it waits on you to eat again. When we fail to eat again our body begins to shut down until death comes. People have gone as long as 74 days without eating before the body finally gives up. I tell you this because if our body requires nourishment so also does are souls.

            I have to ask you what you are feeding your soul. Are you spending time in God’s word? Are you spending time with other Christians in fellowship and worship? I know we sometimes have that person at church that we really don’t like or maybe we don’t like the music or can’t believe that guy is a teacher. Yeah I have used those same excuses but I have also come to understand it is my relationship to Jesus that should be most important. People will always let you down and possible rub you the wrong way. How we respond to that testifies to our relationship with Jesus. As believers we must come together to worship God and to build one another up. Scripture tells us to, “Bare one another’s burdens” we cannot do that if we never talk to one another. If we do not have relationships with one another than we will never trust each other with our burdens. I say that because for the Holy Spirit to bless us and work through us we need to allow relationships for him to work through.

            We are all gifted with different gifts but we all serve the same God. God has given you those gifts first for the edification or building up of the body of believers. Secondly He has given them as a sign to unbelievers that He is real and that He has a work going on in the world. Are we going to be observers or participants? I promise you the Holy Spirit will provide the power to overcome this world and all the trials we endure. Have a blessed day and hope to see you in church Sunday morning.

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You may not agree with me that is alright Jesus still loves you!