Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Resolve to be an Encourager

10 One of the things I always pray for is the opportunity, God willing, to come at last to see you.11 For I long to visit you so I can bring you some spiritual gift that will help you grow strong in the Lord.12 When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours.

Romans 1:10-12 (NLT)

When Paul was in Corinth it was believed he wrote this letter to the church at Rome. To a group of people he had never met. I can imagine how he felt trying to get the message of encouragement and direction for Christian living to them so they could grow to be more like Jesus in their walks with God. It would have been a burden to ensure the message was true to the gospel he had received from Christ. Do you share that burden with him? As we prepare to start a new year do you have the resolve that it takes to be a blessing to others with a word of encouragement? Not that you have to take up writing letters to people or writing a devotional, but just living a life worthy of the sacrifice Jesus made for you. You see when we live to encourage others we ourselves become encouraged when we see them grow and become more than what they were.

I remember teaching my sons how to hit a baseball and ride a bike; I remember how proud I was when they could do it without my help. The same is true of their Christian walks I feel pride when my children turn to God for the answers to life’s struggles. I am encouraged to know they are growing in the Lord and it pushes me to do the same. To everyone who has told me they read these devotionals I want to thank you for the encouragement it brings me. You do not know how many times I have stopped but every time I think I have done all I can someone tells me how much it helps them. Encouragement is the one thing each of us as Christians can do. You see we all have our stories and each of us can relate to someone in particular I cannot share Jesus with every one and neither can you but together we can change the world and introduce Jesus to everyone we meet. A word of encouragement may not seem like much; yet if we think about our own lives and how much it has meant to you when you have received encouragement. I place a challenge before you in the New Year try to live a life with encouragement as part of it. Sharing with others the good news and blessings you have seen and shared might be all it takes for them to except Jesus. Have a truly blessed day as you walk with Jesus in the light of His word.

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