Monday, December 5, 2011


Well I was enjoying my sleep this morning and just did not want to get out of bed this morning but I finally did. I was thinking about the Trinity of God. Now I am sure because I have meet those who do not believe it to be real. That is one of the problems within our church and Christianity today. We have refused to uphold scripture so we know longer believe that it is true. As Christians though I believe we must uphold the teaching of God as a Trinity. This is the second article of the Declaration of Faith within the Church of God so if you belong to the Church of God you best believe it. The article reads: We believe in one God eternally existing in three persons; namely, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Now most of your protestant churches and the Roman Catholics hold this as part of their beliefs. Yet many new liberal churches do not believe this. It comes from denying scripture as the infallible word of God. You see scripture explains and emphasizes the Trinity.

 Deuteronomy 6:4 "Hear , O Israel, The Lord our God is one Lord." now that might seem like its contradictory but it emphasizes the oneness of God. But we see in the beginning of scripture that God is more than one as the creation takes place in Genesis 1:26 "and God said, let us make man in our own image, after our likeness." You see the plural use of God in this scripture. This helps us to also understand the trinity with in ourselves. We are created in a three part nature even those who do not hold Christian views believe we are mind, body and soul. What we need to truly understand about the Trinity is that God is one with three distinct forms. He is the creator God who is responsible for all we are and have in our lives. He is the redemptive God through His Son Jesus who came and paid the price for our salvation. He is the empowering God through the Holy Spirit. Who dwells in the heart of those who will call on Jesus for salvation. As the empowering God the Holy Spirit has been present throughout History from the creation to the revelation He has played a roll in the history of the world. in understanding our own parts we are able to relate to God better. Understanding our soul is connected to the Holy Spirit provides power to make right choices. Undstanding our Heart ties us to the love of Christ shown through His sacrifice on the cross. Our mind brings wisdom and creativity that are part of the greater God's true nature. For all wisdom comes from God. I challenge you to accept this as truth and apply it to your walk as a Christian. When we do this we will be made wise, loving and powerful to do God's will. Have a glorious day in the Lord.

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You may not agree with me that is alright Jesus still loves you!